Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter
Junior Kappa League
Junior Kappa League
The Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Jr. Kappa League program is centered on providing mentoring, tutoring, and direction through leadership. The emphasis of the program is on elementary and middle school students between the ages of 10 to 14. the Jr. Kappa League is an organization oriented toward helping young men grow and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. It provides both challenging and rewarding experiences, which richly enhance their lives. Students are always encouraged to establish academic and personal goals, as well as, providing community service.

Get Involved
The Jr. Kappa League program meets regularly at Patrick Henry Elementary School from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The instructors are Alexandria-Fairfax’s (VA) Alumni chapter’s own Tsaiki Brundige (Chairman) and Jason Duffus (Assistant STEM Instructor) and they are joined by special guest and Patrick Henry’s science teach Seth Maher.
To learn more about our programs or to get involved, please contact us.